Best Nail Colors for Fall/Winter

Posted by Taylor Landis on

Need some inspiration for some seasonal nail colors? Summer is over, so it's time to say goodbye to the bright pink nail polish. But, fall and winter colors are just as pretty. Here are a few ideas to consider when making that difficult decision: Which nail color should I try next?

Shades of red (especially dark red) are probably my favorite fall/winter nail color. There are plenty of options, and they are perfectly in season. 

Shades of gray and nude are also a great color for the season. They are very subtle shades and match everything. Darker shades of blue fit into this category as well. Subtle, but very wintery. If you prefer light colors, nude, light gray, lavender, and light blue are great options as well. 

I love darker shades of orange or coral for fall. They are bright and standout, but fit in perfectly with the changing colors of fall leaves. 

If you want to try something different, don't be afraid to add some sparkle or an accent nail. A touch of silver or gold glitter are very seasonal and fit perfectly with the holiday season. 

With so many options to choose from, be creative and change it up!

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